​Games of any type might not be the first place you think of looking for learning about the Middle East but they can be surprisingly good immersive experiences or they can just really help to enhance or at least pique interest in a topic.  We cover games that are from the Middle East, commonly played in the Middle East, and games with Middle Eastern Themes.  The biggest problem with  Middle Eastern Themed games is that many will play into stereotypes and tropes and offer limited learning content as the focus is on fun over education.  However, they can also be a great way to explore cultural themes and historical settings or in some cases even address Orientalism and stereotypes.  Which type of games are you interested in?

Middle Eastern Themes
Exploring the Middle East, North Africa, and Central Asia though Media.
Table Top Games, Board Games, Card Games, and Dice Games
Console Games, PC Games, Mobile Device Games
and On-line Games
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